Hope for the Dry Dreams

In the Old Testament, Ezekiel saw a vision. He had this dream of a valley filed with bones. It was like a huge graveyard. Everywhere he looked were acres and acres of bones from people who died. Bones may represent things in your life that look dead, situations that seem impossible and permanently unchanging. God told him to do something interesting. He said, “Ezekiel, prophesy to these dead bones. Say to them, ‘Oh, you dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.” Ezekiel, in this vision, started speaking to the bones, telling them to come back to life. He called in skin, muscle, and tissue. As he was out of a movie, morphing back into a person. Finally, God told him to “prophesy to the breath” and call it forth. The Scripture says, “As he prophesied, breath came into those bodies, and they stood up like a vast army.”
You may have things in your life that seem dead – a business, relationship, career, ministry, children out of control, your health. All you can see is a valley of dry bones, so to speak. God is saying to you what He said to Ezekiels. It’s not enough to just pray about it; you need to speak to it. Prophesy to those dead bones. Call in abundance, Call in good health, Call in good money, Call in restoration, Call in revival, Call in fresh love to your home, Call in new Ideas, Call in  good people into your business, call in fulfillment of God purpose to your children,  Call in freedom to any addiction. Declare, this is a new season of victory to your business, family, ministry, career. Get you checkbook out and prophesy to it. All it looks like are dead bones. Struggle, lack, poverty, hardship. “prophesy to these dead bones that I will lend to many nations and not borrow. I am the head and not the tail. I am coming in to overflow.” Just as Ezekiel, if you’ll prophesy to the bones, God will resurrect what looks dead. He’ll make things happen that you could never make happen.
Maybe you have spent years saying negative things over your life. “my marriage is never going to make it, I can’t break this addiction, ……………..” you have to send your words out in a new direction. You are prophesying the wrong thing. Get in a habit of making these positive declaration over your life. Every day declare that your dreams are coming to pass. The best is yet to come, it’s not enough to believe it. Nothing happens until you speak. As was true of the psalmist, when you say of the Lord, God will do what He promised.


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