Study and Evaluate Yours Leaders
Our culture teaches us to be impressed by leaders by power, academicals degrees, and/or wealth, thinking that those characteristics add up great leadership. Yet you most not imagine that your country will remain strong and established if you vote for someone just because you like the way he speaks or looks, or even if you approve of some of his accomplishments. Before you follow anyone, you must know what that person truly believes and on what path he is taking you. You might find out too late that you don’t want to go where he is going. I encourage you not to place undue confidence on how powerful a leader is or how much knowledge he has or who his mentor was. Continually evaluate what your leaders stand for, as well as the policies they promote. Study their lives and convictions. Discover what they really think and value, and how their beliefs affect their policies. Ask yourself questions such as these about individual leaders: Ø Does he still have the same convictions that in...