Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?
In the Bible, God promised Sarah she would have a child. At first she didn’t believe it. She thought she was too old. I love what God said to her in Genesis 18:14: “Sarah, is there anything too hard for the Lord?”
God says that to each one of us. “Is there anything too hard for me?” do you think your dreams are too big for God to bring to pass? Do you think your relationship is too far for God to restore? Do you think you just have to live with that sickness the rest of your life?
No, get a new vision today. Put on a new attitude. God is saying, “I am all-powerful. I can turn any situation around.”
It doesn’t matter what it looks like in the natural world. He is a supernatural God.
The Amplified Bible puts it this way in the book of Genesis 18:14, “Is anything too wonderful for the Lord? At the set time I will return to you, in due season, and Sarah shall have a son.?”
God says, “If you’ll take the limits off me I will amaze you with My goodness. I will not only meet your needs. I will take it one step further. I will give you the desire of your heart” 2 Corinthians 9:8-9 NIV. One translation says, “the secret petitions of your heart.” These are your hidden dreams, those secret desires, those promises that you haven’t told anybody about. It’s just between you and God. Know this today, God wants to bring your secret petitions to pass. Will you get a vision for it? Will you put your faith out there?
Sometimes we think, God has bigger things to deal with than me getting this business off the ground, or taking this trip overseas to see my relatives. I can’t bother God with that. That’s not important enough.
No, it’s just the opposite. God is the one who puts the dream in your heart. I know as a parent I love to do good things for my children. I love to make their day. I want you to get a revelation of how much your heavenly Father is logging to be good to you. He wants to amaze you with His goodness.
When you believe, it sets a series of events into motion. God wants to give you the desires of your heart. I believe even right now, because you’re in faith, because you’re saying, “Lord, I believe,” God is arranging things in your favour. He is lining up the right people, the right opportunities. In the coming days you will see supernatural increase, explosive blessings.
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