Four things that will help you to live a fulfill life


People that are living a fulfill life in the world are the people that fill their mind with right things. People that have bankrupt life, bankrupt relationship, bankrupt emotionally, bankrupt spirit they put their mind with the wrong thing. Philippians 4:1-9

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  Philippians 4:8

To experience God’s peace and freedom from anxiety, believers must fix their minds on those things that are pure, holy, true, noble, right, etc. if we fill our mind with all these things the God of peace shall be with us and we will have a great attitude.

If you can change your mind you can change your life. If you can fill your mind with good things you can become a man with good attitude.

Your attitude paint brush of your mind. Our attitude paints the picture of our mind.

  1. People with a fulfill life celebrate God: people with fulfill life they celebrate the goodness of God. They spend their time in thanks giving. Shape your worry to prayer. Fulfilling life is a result of filling our mind correctly.
  2. People with a fulfill life add value to people: people with a fulfill life add value to people by empowering them. People with a fulfill life they care other people, they live beyond themselves, reaching to the needed around you.
  3. People with a fulfill life give God their concern: people with a fulfill live give God their worry. They take their entire problem to God through prayer.
  4.  People with a fulfill life experience the wholeness of God. If you want to live a fulfill life you must wait in God, believe and trust in God at all time.  Philippians 4:8-9

Great leaders fill their mind with good things by reading good books, listening to good tape and associate with good people. If you fill your mind with good things you can live a fulfill life in this generation. The greatest gab between the successful people and non successful people is how they think. Think how you can bring success to yourself. Read the bible and good books and your mind will be transform.

People with great attitude posses the following:

People with great attitude posses a teachable spirit: Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.  (Philippians 4:9) Teachable people allow God and other people to speak in their life. People with a teachable spirit they are willing to allow people to add value to them. People with the teachable spirit allow people to talk to them for them to learn new things. Fill your mind with correctly and you will have great attitude. Fill your mind on things that are good, things that are pure, things that are right,  things that are noble and you will have great attitude. Pray for God to give you a teachable spirit that you will allow God and other people to talk to you.

People with great attitude take responsibility for their attitude: is your responsibility to determine what kind of man or woman you want to be. People with great attitude they take responsibility by filing their mind with good things, they meditate on good thing and they practice good things. They take responsibility of reading good books that will transform their mind. People with great attitude take responsibility of what they listen every day, they spend their time listening good information that will change their mind and also they choose the right people around them.

People with great attitude travel on the high road: God choose what we go through but we choose how to go through it. Fill your mind and meditate on the best. The best is the high road the worst is low road. Think on the beautiful things, think to pray, and think to do the best at all cost, think to add value to people around you these are the high road. Low road is the ugly, bad habit, bad thinking. The high road is all about good attitude while the low road is about bad attitude. 

There are three road that people always travel on:
Low Road: We treat people worse than the way they treat us.
Middle Road: We treat people the same way they treat us
High road: we treat people better than they treat us.

People with great attitude understand the value of what a great attitude:
a good attitude have value in the begging of the task. Good attitude has value in the middle of a task. A good attitude has value at the end of the task.

Your attitude will determine the level of your success. If you want to success in life you must work on your attitude. Attitude is a choice, Let us have great attitude and let us glorify God with our attitude


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