The Power in Leadership
The contemporary crisis of character in leadership is
alarming because, to a great extent, leaders determine the direction, security,
and prosperity of cultures, societies, and nations. The following concepts
demonstrate the central role of leadership in human society.
leadership in human society.
- Nothing happens without leadership. Leaders establish government, make scientific discoveries and advances, disseminate religious and philosophical ideas and otherwise foster human culture.
- Nothing develops without leadership. Leaders take initiative to implement innovations, build on what has come before, and expand on prior successes.
- Nothing succeeds without leaders. Leaders develop ideas, carry out endeavors, and keep projects going.
- Nothing is altered or transformed without leaders. Unless an individual or a group of people begin to think differently or act differently, circumstances usually remains the same – or becomes worse.
- Nothing is corrected without leadership. To fix errors and solve problems, someone has to take responsibility to see the adjustment are made. Leaders help societies to make a course correction when they have veered onto a destructive path.
- Nothing advances without leadership. Leaders are enterprising and forward – looking. They are often eager to enhance a society’s quality of life through improve efficiency, greater convenience, and the introduction of new products and services.
- Nothing improves without leadership. Leaders see potential in situations and conditions where others see no hope and have no vision of the way things could be.
Leadership is therefore key to human preservation, growth,
and change. No matter what condition a society or nation finds itself in, it didn’t
arrive there by accident. Someone led them there.
Every person on earth is being guided, influenced, or
manipulated by someone. Directly or indirectly consciously or unconsciously we
are continually being led by those who are our official leaders as well as
those who are our official leaders, as well as those who have become our de
facto leaders by their influence over us. That’ is why our current problems
won’t be solved without a renewed emphasis on the foundational element of
positive and effective leadership. Countries, corporations institutions,
organizations, department, and so forth will be effective and successful only
insofar as their leaders are effective and successful. When leaders in all realms
of life make a commitment to strengthen their leadership they will enable their
society to improve, survive, and progress.
William G Augustine
William G Augustine
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